Part of getting the best auto insurance deal is discovering the exceptions to your policy coverage. By knowing policy exclusions, you can budget your money accordingly and therefore be able to pay on time without any hassles. Here are some auto insurance exclusions you need to take note of in 2020. 1) Named Driver
First, you can exclude a high-risk driver in the family. This action will help you save on insurance premiums significantly. Agents refer to it as Named Driver Exclusions. Typically, an auto insurance policy covers every single licensed driver in the family. However, if you live with someone who has a record for incessant reckless driving and previous tickets to prove it, you may end up paying higher premiums because of their unsavory driving record. Note that this means that he or she cannot drive your car in whatever circumstance. If he does and gets into an accident, you will be the one paying for the damages out of your pocket. 2) Specific Injuries or Damages The second type of exclusion has to do with certain types of injuries or damages. For example, the liability damage property feature in the policy will exclude payments to any damage that you incurred to your vehicle by accident. The policy will only cover damage that was brought about by another party. 3) Natural Disasters Another type of exclusion has to do with natural disasters or weather changes. Depending on the type of insurance you have or the coverage limits, you may not be covered if you incur damage to your vehicle after an earthquake or a hurricane. You would need to have comprehensive auto insurance policies for that. Additional Exclusions
Conclusion There are more exclusions available depending on the policy you choose to take. If you want to learn more, it would be best to contact your local agent for additional information. At Black And Associates Insurance, we aim to provide comprehensive insurance policies that make your life easier. We want to help you get the insurance that fits your needs. You can get more information about our products and services by calling our agency at (509) 464-0058. Get your free quote today by CLICKING HERE.
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